Xerbo (god of Sea, Sailing, Money, and Business)

Title: The Sea Dragon, Keeper of the Seas, the Master of Mains, the Unwavering Rudder, the Vault of the Oceans

Symbol: Dragon Turtle upon a bed of coins. 

Portfolio: the Sea, Sailing, Money, Business

Alignment: Neutral 

Worshipers: Xerbo is worshipped in many of the 'savage' cultures such as the Blood Isles and Crimson Coast while he is also worshipped by merchants and sailors.

Domains: Animal, Knowledge, Water

Favoured Weapons: Trident


Xerbo is depicted as a large man with matted, kelp-like hair, wearing armor made from a dragon turtle's scales. He wields a trident called Murky Deep.

Xerbo teaches that trading across the sea is the perfect life to live, and promises wealth to those who do so in his name.