Principality of Tumkur

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Formal Name: Principality of Tumkur
Ruler:  Prince Bayazid Al-Wasari
Government:  Feudal within Divine Empire
Capital: Tumkur
Major Settlements: Hassan
Resources: Beef and Silk
Population: 180,000 (20% Urban) -95% Human, 5% others  
Languages: Common, Elven, Tumuri
Common Alignment: Neutral
Major Religions: Fharlanghn (TN), Wee Jas (LN) and Boccob (TN)
Allies:  None

The Principality of Tumkur was founded in the year 1 by exiles fleeing from the northern continent. They arrived in a fleet carrying almost 20,000 people men, women and children to find one of Kaegors generals fighting a losing battle against the Elves in the woods around what is now Tumkur. Their fighting men seeing fellow humans beset by enemies charged into the flank of the Elves routing the surprised army. After the battle was over the general married his daughter to the leader of the exiles and as the representative of Kaegor promised the lands around the town to the leader of these exiles. The exiles became part of Kaegor's armies and were tasked with keeping the Elves in check to the north of the continent which they accomplished with fairly light lose. The Elves were unused to dealing the elephants which the exiles brought with them and the exiles fought with a ferocity only known to people with nowhere to retreat to. 

The exiles were not one people but several but all of them shared the need to find a new home away from the troubles which has beset the northern continent. The knowledge of what this evil was has not lasted the centuries unless the noble families of the city keep it hidden. The people living in Tumkur have a dusky skin and are generally slightly taller than the peoples that they met in the Empire but those living on the plains to the south of the city are more olive complexioned and of shorter stature.


Tumkur (Large City): Alignment: LN, Population: 23750 (85% human, 10% half-elf, 5% others.) Authroity Figure: Prince Bayazid Al-Wasari (human male, fighter)

Tumkur was originally a small town but with the influx of exiles it has grown into a  city with a mix of northern and local architecture with the small area around the docks being the main section with older buildings. In the centre of the new city is the palace of the Prince and the Academy of Knowledge, both imposing and beautiful buildings in the northern style. Few know the original names of the gods these people worshipped but their close contact with the people of the Empire has meant that the names of the gods they worship are the same as everyone else. The Temple of Boccob is a marvel of architecture and attracts pilgrims from all over the continent and stands behind the Academy of Knowledge.

The elephants that the exiles brought with them have mostly died but they also brought worms which produce the highly sought after silk. This silk is the main stay of the cities wealth which over the years has grown steadily until now it is one of the richer cities on the continent. The Prince of Tumkur is the direct descendant of the first leader of the exiles but has little direct influence with the peoples outside the city and forests surrounding Tumkur. The Prince in the manner of the Empire has only one wife but other nobles keep to the traditions of the north having four or five. The people of the city are known for their education and tolerance of outsiders and still supply the bulk of the medium cavalry to the Emperors armies.

Hassan (Large Town): Alignment: N, Population: 4500, (90% human, 10% other) Authority Figure: Satrap Yulan (human male)

Hassan is a town inhabited by mainly dark-skinned people who are happier living near the swamps around the river than in the more open areas surrounding it. The town itself is built wholly in the northern style with intricate stonework and arched windows and doorways. The town isolated for most of the year is more accessible in the winter and they hold markets for traders from Summerswane and the Principality. The people of Hassan send young men to the Principalities army but do not take much notice of the politics of the area. Rumours of the worship of demons and devils are most likely just that as any isolated community is bound to create such.

Maegor’s End (Small Town) Alignment: TN, Population: 1022, (70% human, 20% Gnome, 5% Elven, 5% other.), Authority Figure: Selurin Elffriend (human male, Mayor)

Maegor's End is a small settlement in the far south of the province which is nominally in the Principality but pays little heed to the Prince and in turn is generally ignored by him. The town is unremarkable except for the tower which stands on the cliff overlooking the town, this tower is of ancient design but has fallen into disrepair. No one has lived in the tower for almost 200 years since Maegor was slain by heroes from the south. Maegor was a half elven mage of formidable power who rebelled against the Empire in its early years. He came to the valley to hide from the Empire, choosing the valley as it was the site of the last stand of an elven host during the higher wars. In this battle the orcs and dragons destroyed the elves after two days of fierce resistance only to flee the army which came to relieve them. The casualties on both sides were heavy and the mass graves can even now be seen either side of the town, looking like small hills either side of the road. Maegor was a necromancer of great power so when the Empire finally cornered him he raised hundreds of undead to fight for him, but even they could not stop the brave adventurers who snuck into the tower and killed him. Since that day no-one has entered the tower and rumours of undead guarding the site are common in the local area and beyond. A few adventurers have entered the tower but none have been seen again.
In the hills above the town are several homesteads occupied by Gnomes, most of who moved to the area to get away from the bustle of the Empire. These Gnomes mine the hills for ores and heard goats, coming down to the town once or twice a week, to sell their goods and exchange news and gossip.

The Nomads
To the south f the city below the hills live the nomads of the Martu, Guti,  Kisir and Quardu. These nomads have traded herding camels and horses to cattle and horses and have changed probably least of all of the exiles being fiercely independent. They have the reputation of being fine horsemen with wild bravery and murderous rages when they feel insulted making trading with them a little dangerous. They also are loyal friends and generous to those people that they respect.

Martu (Nomadic Tribe) Alignment: CN, Population: 11,500, (95% human, 5% other), Authority Figure: Hetman Subatin (human  male fighter).

The Martu live on the plains to the east of the Principality along the coast between the Elven lands in the south and the forest in the north. This tribe looks very similar to the city dwellers and has more in common with them than the other tribes, though their culture is poorer than that of the city. Like all of the nomads they are fine horsemen and loyal friends but unlike some of the other tribes they are also know to twist the truth especially when trading. The other tribes have a saying “when dealing with the Martu count your rings before you get up from the table”, which is probably unfair but shows that they are very good traders. The only main feature of the lands of the Martu are the barrows near the border, these mounds are ancient and the Martu tend to leave them alone, especially as no-one seems to know who built them.   

Guti (Nomadic Tribe) Alignment: CG, Population: 8500, (90% human, 10% other), Authority Figure: Hetman Nepel Shouyon (human male fighter).

The Guti live on the plains directly to the south of Tumkur between the hills and the Elven realms. They are olive skinned and of shorter stature than most of the people of the principality and considered the finest horsemen, even if their horses are smaller than those of the tribes around them. The lands of the Guti are sweeping grass lands with few features and are perfect for their nomadic lifestyle. The Guti have a rivalry with the Kisir which extends to steeling horses and cattle for breeding but they are always returned, it is considered by the Kisir as an annoyance but as a game by the Guti.

Kisir (Nomadic Tribe) Alignment: LN, Population: 12750, (95% human, 5% others), Authority Figure: Hetman Temafin (human male fighter).
The Kisir live on the pains between the city and Maegor’s End and are the largest and best organised of the tribes. They have a ruddy complexion but are generally of shorter stature than the people of the city, their horses are larger than most of the other tribes and sell well all over the Empire for cavalry and stud. Temafin is a unusually organised man for a nomad and has served in several campaigns for the Empire, he thinks that the tribes should be united under his rule. The Kisir wear more armour than the other tribes in battle and form the shock troops for the Principality. 

Quardu (Nomadic Tribe) Alignments CN, Polutaion: 6750, (80% human, 10% half-elven, 10% others), Authority Figure: Hetwoman Zanibia (human female ranger).

The Quardu live on the plains to the west of the principality between Hassan and Summerswain, the smallest of the tribes it has a more varied racial mix than the other tribes. The original tribe was devastated by plague over one hundred years ago and since has allowed many non-tribesmen to join them. They still hold to their original traditions and lifestyle but now incorporate new ideas and values, including the rights of women to lead the tribe. The lands that they live in are inhabited by some farmers as well as the tribes and the two peoples co-exist peacefully, trading and coming together for mutual defence if not intermarrying. There is only one other feature of note in these plains a tower overlooking the sea, this tower is over 200ft high with no discernible entrance or windows. Many adventurers have attempted to enter the tower but no one has to date been successful, the smooth walls stopping even the most proficient from climbing to the top.